Dried blueberries from Sunrise Fresh are the most delicious way to add unsweetened, fruity goodness to any dish or recipe. When you buy Sunrise Fresh, we can guarantee that using our blueberries in your product will offer the best taste and texture possible.
Our dried blueberries are harvested at the peak of ripeness so you get the most flavor and the highest quantity and quality of nutrients available. At Sunrise Fresh we process, and ship our delicious blueberries directly to you. This is our way of ensuring that you get exactly what you pay for, the highest quality dried blueberries available on the market today.
Unsweetened Dried Blueberries with No Additives or Preservatives
Once fresh fruit is picked, many companies add flavorings and dyes to make their offerings look like they are straight from the field. Sunrise Fresh processes only the finest quality fruit so that our blueberries always taste amazing and provide the right texture. We never use dyes or flavorings. There are no additives or preservatives used to make our dried blueberries. We go to the greatest lengths possible to ensure their quality and delicious taste. It’s “Just fruit... and nothing else!”

Only Fresh Tasting, Nutritional Goodness
When blueberries and other fruits are harvested at the peak of ripeness, they are naturally sweet and contain the maximum amount of nutrients possible. Fresh blueberries are relatively low in calories. They are high in both fiber and potassium and contain only natural sugars. Our blueberries contain an abundance of Vitamin C, along with modest amounts of Vitamin B-6, Magnesium, and Iron. Blueberries are full of antioxidants and are well-known for helping the body maintain proper blood sugar levels.
Dried Blueberries Naturally Sweet with No Added Sugars
Our unsweetened, dried blueberries are naturally sweet and full of flavor. In our commitment to providing the healthiest produce, Sunrise Fresh never adds any type of sugar or sweetener simply because they aren't needed. Blueberries are known to be one of the most naturally sweet fruits in nature whether fresh or dried. Sunrise Fresh guarantees our dried blueberries are “Just fruit... and nothing else!”

Just Fruit... and Nothing Else!
Sunrise Fresh has committed itself to provide its customers with “Just fruit... and nothing else!” Many producers use dyes, artificial sweeteners, and oils to prepare their blueberries for shipment. Our drying process allows us to provide you with the highest quality most nutritious blueberries available. At Sunrise Fresh, we pride ourselves on a one-ingredient product. No oils. No GMOs. No additives, preservatives, sweeteners, or dyes will ever be added to our dried blueberries.
Sunrise Fresh gives you exactly what you need when you want the highest quality, most flavorful dried blueberries. We go the extra mile to preserve quality and maintain all of the nutrients we can. Our dried blueberries will be the perfect ingredient to add to your product or recipe. Not only will they add flavor, but an abundance of nutrients as well.