
The Healing Power of Dried Fruits

Dried fruits have long been a popular handy and healthy snack, thanks to their portability, tasty flavors, and nutritional benefits. However, research continues to uncover even more medicinal superpowers that these dehydrated delights contain.  Beyond the vitamins and minerals that dried cherries, blueberries, apples, and other fruits provide, they also...

Elevate Your Artisanal Pairings With Dried Fruit

A hidden delight lies in the world of dried fruits. Explore the explosion of taste created by pairing dried fruits with artisanal cheeses, wines, and even craft beers, and experience a sophisticated twist to traditional snacking. Dried fruits, with their concentrated sweetness and chewy textures, offer a delightful canvas for...

Mindful Eating with Dried Fruits

How to Practice Mindful Eating with Dried Fruits Amid the hustle and bustle of daily life, there's a simple yet profound practice that can transform our relationship with food – mindful eating. This practice invites us to savor each bite, engage our senses, and appreciate the textures and flavors of...

Upcycled Food Products And Their Benefits

Environmental consciousness is increasingly impacting consumer decisions when it comes to what they purchase. There is a growing interest in products made from recycled materials and products that are ‘upcycled’.  This includes dried fruits or products made from recycled grains that have been recognized as a sustainable and innovative option,...

7 Ways To Enjoy Dried Fruits

Dried fruits have been a popular snack for centuries, but in recent years, they've found their way into a vast array of food products. From trail mixes and energy bars to baked goods and gummies, dried fruits are adding their unique and delicious flavors to countless culinary creations. Trail Mixes...

Welcome to the Flavorful World of Dried Fruit Ingredients

In the bustling world of food production, where every bite counts, it's essential to have high-quality ingredients that not only taste delicious but also contribute to the nutritional value of your products. At Sunrise Fresh, we pride ourselves on being suppliers of premium, no-sugar-added dried fruits that are 100% natural and...

Nurturing Sustainability: Our Upcycling Journey at Sunrise Fresh

by Case Samuel, CSO, Sunrise Fresh Dried Fruit   Our Roots in Upcycling Upcycling has been at the forefront of Sunrise Fresh since its early days. My grandfather, Ernie Podesta, and father, Jim Samuel, initiated this journey with a simple yet innovative idea: to ensure no cherry was wasted. They...

Rising Awareness of Added Sugar in "Healthy" Foods

Health-consciousness is on the rise with many consumers paying closer attention to the food that they put in their bodies.  At the same time, an alarming trend is garnering attention - the stealthy incorporation of sugar in seemingly "healthy" food items.  This growing concern has given rise to discussions that...

4 Powerful Health Aspects of Dried Fruits

Dried fruits have long been recognized as a healthy and convenient snack due to their extended shelf life, tasty flavors, and handy portability. With a rich assortment of fruits available, including cherries, peaches, apples, and blueberries, it's important to understand the health aspects associated with them. However, some fruits that provide healthy and nutritious...

What’s Up With Upcycled?

The food and beverage industry always has a bunch of ‘buzzwords’ floating around – some highly descriptive and some just too hard to figure out. ‘Gluten-free’ – no problem.  ‘All natural’ – not so sure.  And one of the most popular right now is ‘Upcycled’.  The term is also now...

Dried Fruits for Healthy Snacking, Cooking & Baking

Why unsweetened dried fruits are so amazing for snacking, cooking, and baking If you haven’t discovered unsweetened dried fruits yet then maybe it's time you added them to your pantry especially if you are planning on following a healthier eating plan in the new year. They are a versatile and...

Why Dried Fruits Are A Healthier Snack Choice

Why dried fruits are a healthier snack choice. Dried fruits are often overlooked as a snack option, but they offer a number of benefits over traditional snacking options and even their fresh counterparts. Apart from providing a great-tasting alternative to unhealthy snack choices, dried fruits are readily available online and...

Are Dried Fruits Good for Gut Health?

You Bet!  And they have been for centuries… Since the start of the pandemic, there has been an increasing focus on the body’s immune system and better health practices in general. One of the biggest topics – on social and conventional media has been a focus on digestive practices –...

Dried Fruit Production: What is the Process of Drying Fruit? | Sunrise Fresh

Many fruits can be dried to increase longevity while maintaining a high level of nutrients. From industrial dryers to at-home dehydrators there are multiple ways to dry fruit. Read on to learn more about the industry!

Wholesale Dried Fruit Provider in California, United States

Sunrise Fresh is a leading premium dried fruit wholesaler in the state of California. We offer the highest quality dried fruits to all of our customers. Our dried fruits are exclusively grown in the United States so we are able to monitor their growth, as well as how they are...

Dried Fruit Around the World

When we buy most food products, we normally don't think about where they come from. When it comes to dried fruits, there are several countries across the globe those ship products to the rest of the world. You might not know that the United States produces a large portion of...