Unsweetened - No Sugar Added, No preservatives
Cherries, Apples, Blueberries, Peaches & Pears
Consumer Demand For Fruits in Dishes Continues to Rise
Easy to Use, Easy to Shop, Easy to Store
Visit Our Webstore: set up your account!
If you are using sweetened cranberries or tart cherries in your recipes for baking, cooking, trail mixes or other snacks, you have to deal with a lot of added-sugar or some other even less desirable sweetener. Instead, try our naturally sweet, naturally dried, naturally processed dried fruits instead!
– Just the Fruit and Nothing Else!

get to know us!
Sunrise Fresh is a 4 th -generation family owned and
operated grower and processor of some of the finest premium dried fruits in the
no sugar added, no preservatives no anything else.
You can use Sunrise Fresh Dried fruits on a 1-1 substitution basis for any other ‘sweetened’ fruit.