Dried pears are one of the most versatile of nature's fruits. They have a mild, naturally sweet flavor that goes with a variety of other foods. Their subtle flavor blends well with many different spices. Grown in California, our dried pears are processed according to our strict clean label ideal and are certified non-GMO, Gluten-Free, and Kosher. They are simply “Just fruit... and nothing else!”
Dried Pears with No Added Sugar, Preservatives, or Additives
Our dried pears are unsweetened and untouched by additives and preservatives like Sulphur Dioxide. Grown in the Central California sunshine, our dried pears are naturally sweet and exceptionally delicious. After harvesting, we ensure that our pears are processed quickly and efficiently so they maintain as much of their flavor and nutritive value as possible.

Subtle Flavor, Rich Texture Dried Pears
Our dried pears have a very subtle flavor and rich texture that enhances other flavors. They carry a mild, fruity overtone that blends well with ingredients like bleu cheese or dark chocolate without overpowering them. Whether you serve our dried pears on their own or mixed into one of your favorite dishes, the results will leave your tastebuds wanting more.

Eat Healthier By Adding Dried Pears to Your Next Recipe
Just like all of the other dried fruit products Sunrise Fresh offers, our dried pears are full of nutritional goodness. Known for being very high in fiber, they support the digestive system and are thought to play an important role in lowering blood pressure. Full of Vitamin C and antioxidants, they give a boost to the immune system and also provide much-needed anti-inflammatory properties. Adding dried pears to your meal or any dish you serve will help you get the nutrients you need for the day.
Sunrise Fresh puts its reputation on the line with every dried pear order we fill. The dried pears produced in Central California are always picked when they are at the height of freshness. Everything we do is to ensure that once our dried pears reach their destination, they will be as delicious and nutritious as the minute we picked them without any added extras. We offer you the very best- ”Just fruit... and nothing else!”